Corporate Drumming Workshops

Corporate Drumming Workshops

Have you experienced the power of connection when music is created together?

Drumming, singing and dancing have been used for thousands of years, to build community ties and create a real sense of camaraderie.  In this modern day, these outcomes can be directly transferred to corporate teams, organisations and community groups who are looking to find a level playing field and to see how they can bond by ‘creating music together’.

From small groups of 10 up to 500, participants will see what they can achieve by working as a team, listening to each other and following the guidance of a leader (the drum circle facilitator) who’s main intent is to guide the group to ‘creating music, not noise’.

The Rhythm Village has created a series of Interactive Drumming Workshops that are all interactive, engaging and informative, called SOUND PERSPECTIVES.

Simply find the Workshop that interests you and we will then work with you to achieve your objectives and desired outcomes.


Sound Perspectives to Excite

We provide a drum for every participant and our facilitation approach is often non-verbal, therefore the majority of communication is done through hand gestures by the lead facilitator that creates a real sense of excitement and a need to focus.

The group is taken on a fun, high energy journey that will engage and put a smile on everyone’s face, regardless of musical ability.


Sound Perspectives to Leadership

The drumming and percussion is conducted within a circle, so visually it is a level playing ground, everyone is equal in position and has equal opportunity to participate.

Before long, music is being created by the group, people are concentrating yet smiling, the mood within the room becomes lighter and the group is ready for open discussion.

Many outcomes can be achieved by debriefing the drumming circle. In the past, groups have explored the idea of Effective Leadership through careful questioning, drawing many analogies from the positive experience they were just involved in.

Guided discussions are then conducted as a large group and in smaller groups, to examine and understand the many facets of what it takes to be an effective leader.

Expected Outcomes

By guiding participants through this process, we expect to see the following outcomes:

  • An understanding of core leadership qualities
  • A clear perspective of how these qualities will effect departments, teams and groups within their organisation
  • Motivation and confidence to move forward
  • More effective communication and care for their team and colleagues
  • An excitement and positive outlook for their own futures

Sound Perspectives to Team Building

This workshop provides a unique approach to understanding how a team can effectively function.  Each participant receives a drum and is instantly thrown into working as a team to create beautiful rhythms together.

Guided discussions are then conducted as a large group and in smaller groups, to examine and understand the many facets of what it takes to be an effective team.

Expected Outcomes

By guiding participants through this process, we expect to see the following outcomes:

  • An understanding of how a high functioning team works
  • What their role is within their team and how this ‘cog’ is just as important as all other ‘cogs’
  • Highly motivated to continue to improve their team’s effectiveness
  • More effective communication and care for their team and colleagues

Sound Perspectives to Change.

Every organisation will go through change over time, sometimes these changes effect your teams on a professional and emotional level.

These changes can range from department’s merging, teams being broken up and staff being relocated.  No matter wha the reason, by using music as our tool, we are able to break through people’s barriers and delve into their fears and motivations toward change or the resistance of change.

This session is based on making music together to break down barriers.  Group discussions are facilitated carefully to encourage all participants to discuss the imminent change and find ways of moving through this.

Expected Outcomes

By guiding participants through this process, we expect to see the following outcomes:

  • An understanding of the change process
  • Identify where each participant is within this process and how to move forward
  • Discover that there is a positive future after change and to find ways of embracing this future.
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Proven Benefits

Team Building | Positive Change | Effective Management| Engaging & Fun | Stress Release | Creative Expression | Relationship Building

Call us today on 0449 805 116 to find out more.